Application for easy synchronization of local directories on a server with SSH access with PublicKey authentication.

Every web developer knows the problem to edit files mostly local and then to upload them to the server. Whether it is because you want to use Version-Control like SVN or GIT, to minimize JS/CSS files before uploading or because you use modern CSS techniques, such as Compass.
The problem is that you usually work on more than just one file and to upload all of them to the server constantly. For a single logical adaptation it may be several changes in many files.

With DeployIt you can now have for each local directory a counterpart on the server. With a single click an a button all your changes will be uploaded and synchronized.
Files and directories that have not changed, will not be uploaded!

You can also manage multiple directories in multiple logical projects.

The time savings compared to individual look out of modified files and upload them is enormous.

From performance point of view, it is recommended to use clear groups. As a guide it is recommended not to synchronize more than 100 files at once.

For Geeks! :):
Technical point of view: The RSYNC-Command is used known from the command shell is used and is configured so that only new changes will be transferred to the local system.
Existing files on the server wont be uploaded again if they are not touched meanwhile. The parameters passed are "-vrptSzCe ssh".
In the current version of DeployIt these parameters are not editable.

DeployIt works in the current version only with server connections coming over SSH with PublicKey-Authentication about.
The host is identified by a correct entry in the ~/.ssh/config identified. A small manual for editing that file is included. Per host you need usually only a few lines of config.